the static site generator that powers this site.
When I originally added comments to the blog, commenters didn’t see any indicator that comments went through. This was understandably confusing, so I decided to show a message saying that the new comment was pending. I’ve gone through a couple versions, and I’m reasonably happy with what I ended up with.
I’ve had a lot of issues getting my site to build consistently. A while ago, though, I thought I had figured it out and would be able to run bundle exec jekyll serve
to build my site locally with the same version of Jekyll and its plugins that are used in CI. However, it wouldn’t last.
Up until just recently, you may have noticed a curious phenomenon about tag badges on my blog. Some tags, such as jekyll, would have their background color darken on hover, but keep the text the same, while others, such as swift, would keep their background color the same, while the text turned blue like links do1. The key factor that affected whether or not they would exhibit this behavior was whether they used a CSS class that I defined, or one that was defined in Bootstrap itself. The jekyll tag, for example, was using the Bootstrap badge-danger
class, while the swift tag was using a custom class. I wanted all the tag badges to behave like the ones defined by Bootstrap (darken background and leave text alone), so I decided to investigate.
Of course, now that I’ve fixed the problem, it’s not visible. ↩
If you’re browsing my blog via the website and not solely through the RSS feed, you may have noticed something new at the bottom of every post. That’s right, the blog now supports comments! While that’s as simple as a toggle checkbox in some sites, due to this blog being a “static site”, it was much more involved.
You may have noticed another change on the blog — one that should also be visible to those reading via RSS. Posts now have dates with times — no longer will every post appear at midnight — and can have update dates as well.
As I said in my post about tag pages, Jekyll allows you to have includes that accept parameters. In that post, I created an include for blog posts in a list. You may also remember that that article included examples of tags (such as the blog). The way that I did that was using another include, one that I created while writing that post and will explain in this post. After all, it’s much easier to say:
I have wanted to have a page for each tag essentially since I set up this blog. The idea was that you would be able to click on any tag on any post, and you would be sent to a page that provides a short description of the subject, and shows you all the posts on my blog with that tag. However, for over two years this feature has been missing. No longer.
Right now, when you’re on a post, the tags (at least the ones that have colors) are correctly colored:
Today we’re taking a look at the tags on posts, and allowing me to customize them. The one specific goal we have in mind is making language tags that match the language color on GitHub and on the projects page.