DiceKit Logo


A Swift package for simulating dice both real and unreal. It allows the creation of dice with any number of sides, collections of dice, weighted dice, and custom dice. It additionally supports multiple ways to roll dice and calculating the probabilities of specific results.

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RooBotics Logo


An iOS and macOS app combination designed for scouting other FRC teams while at competitions. It can be installed on multiple "scout" iOS devices, which sync their data to the "base" macOS device, from where the data can be exported. Currently in beta.

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Custom Die Roller Logo

Custom Die Roller

This app is an easy yet powerful way to roll virtual dice. It supports multiple dice, drag & drop, probability calculation and visualization, and dice notation editing. Free on the iOS App Store, with no accounts necessary and no data collected.

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Custom Die Roller Make mobile dice rolling easy. Available on the iOS App Store. Swift SimpleSwiftServer Quick and easy file sharing (direct download or directory browsing) and more. Swift DiceKit Simulate dice both real and unreal — with custom dice, weighted dice, and probability. Swift helpme Let past you help future you out. Keep track of configuration and more with command-line tidbits. Python SwiftIP IP addresses in Swift — public or local, IPv4 or IPv6. Swift RooScout Team 4373's scouting app (beta). Use multiple scout devices, and then sync to a base station device. Swift REPL Prefix any command with a given string, or run a series of subcommands. Swift Typer Type any text, indistinguishably from user input. Not detectable as automated. Swift RPG-card-generator Generate JSON for use with @crobi's rpg-cards. Pick from a library, or create your own. Swift RooSwerve Team 4373's swerve drive library. Java TyperTool A basic implementation using Typer — give it text and a delay, then lean back and watch. Swift SwiftySCADKit Generate OpenSCAD from swift, allowing interactive configuration, code reuse, and more. Swift RssBot A Discord bot that watches RSS/Atom feeds, and posts them to user-configurable channels. Python samasaur1.github.io This website, which contains my blog and pages for my projects. Jekyll dmn dark-mode-notifier. Run arbitrary scripts upon switching modes to shift incompatible apps' color schemes. Swift jekyll-comments Add comments to a static Jekyll site. Powers comments on my blog. Rust RemoteText Server An open-source file editing server with TeX and Markdown compilation, backed by powerful Git history. Rust RemoteText iOS Client The iOS/iPadOS client for RemoteText. Edit on the go. Swift