IP addresses in Swift — public or local, IPv4 or IPv6.
SwiftIP is a Swift Package (using the Swift Package Manager), and does not support any other installation methods (you may be able to use some, such as installing manually, but I’m not explicitly supporting them).
You’ll need Swift 4.2 or later (this version of Swift comes with Xcode 10 or later). I’d recommend picking a newer version of Swift if you can, though.
To download Xcode, get it from the Mac App Store or download it from the Apple Developer portal (requires sign-in).
Alternatively, download Swift from Swift.org, using Homebrew, swiftenv, or via some other method.
Swift Package Manager
Add the following to your Package.swift
.package(url: "https://github.com/Samasaur1/SwiftIP.git", from: "2.0.0"),
ice add SwiftIP
Swift Package Manager packages are only supported in Xcode 12+.
See this link for Apple’s developer guide for using Swift packages with Xcode.
When asked to choose a package, paste in this url: https://github.com/Samasaur1/SwiftIP.git
, and we suggest you leave the package options as the default (Version, Up To Next Major, with the current version filled in).
import SwiftIP
guard let localIP = IP.local() ?? IP.local(.IPv6) else {
fatalError("Could not find local IP, you are not connected to a network.")
let publicIP: String? = IP.public() ?? IP.public(.IPv6)
print("Local IP: \(localIP); public IP: \(publicIP ?? "Not connected to the Internet")")
The docs are available here: https://samasaur1.github.io/SwiftIP/.
- SwiftIP uses icanhazip.com to check your public IP address. I’d like to switch to ipify.org, or ideally, check both. There’s an issue for that.
- The public IP call has an unconfigurable timeout of 5 seconds.
- Visit the issues page to see the status of these issues.