Bee Careful With Sudo
02 Mar 2023 8:39 PM macos sudo shell nixos
The first time you use sudo
on a macOS system (it’s probably been so long you don’t even remember it!), you’re presented with the following dialog:
WARNING: Improper use of the sudo command could lead to data loss
or the deletion of important system files. Please double-check your
typing when using sudo. Type "man sudo" for more information.
To proceed, enter your password, or type Ctrl-C to abort.
and a password prompt.
One of my friends has this prompt set up:
Obviously, I had to set it up.
This message is called the “sudoers lecture”, and by default it’s shown once per user account. The default lecture is located at /etc/sudo_lecture
They use NixOS, so it’s really easy to configure the message and the desired behavior. Add the following to your /etc/nixos/configuration.nix
(or somewhere in your flake, etc.):
security.sudo.extraConfig = ''
Defaults pwfeedback
Defaults lecture = always
Defaults lecture_file = ${./sudoers.txt}
and put the new sudoers lecture file in that directory as sudoers.txt
But we’re on macOS, so because it’s not a declarative operative system, we’ve gotta do some manual configuration.
Grab that same new sudoers lecture file.2 I saved it to /etc/sudo_lecture_bee
so that I didn’t overwrite the default message, but you could just overwrite the message. Then you need to edit /etc/sudoers
to have the following contents
Defaults lecture_file = "/etc/sudo_lecture_bee"
Defaults lecture=always
Defaults pwfeedback
You should use visudo
for this! If you screw up your sudoers file, you won’t be able to sudo
… including to fix the sudoers file itself. So sudo visudo
, and then include those lines. Note that the last line is optional, but this way you can see *
being typed when you’re putting in your password.
They try sudo -k
and then sudo -v
. You should get the prompt!
You should verify that this file is actually what I say it is! I use
, which reportsASCII text, with escape sequences
, and then Ibat
it to see that it’s what I expect. You can also hexdump it if you’re especially concerned. I’ll also note here that the MD5 hash isf1437dc8bb357d1a3b049e006a6349ef
and the SHA-1 hash ise85d3529ad2a7a84541ba6bc11f7c51f6963ce76
. ↩ -
See above ↩